Jewish Weddings

A wedding is an occasion in which two individuals are legally joined in matrimony. Different wedding traditions and customs also vary widely between cultures, religious groups, regions, and socio-economic class. There are several important aspects that form the essence of a wedding. These include the wedding invitation, wedding attire, wedding decorations, wedding cake, wedding favors, and pre-wedding parties. These items vary according to local custom. However, there are some important things that remain consistent among all wedding traditions.

Most weddings are arranged by the families of the bride and groom. In these weddings, family members and close friends of the couple usually participate. This is usually followed by the participation of the priest or the minister. Sometimes, non-relatives also take part in the ceremonies. Weddings are celebrated on a wide scale, and vary according to culture.

The most traditional type of Jewish weddings are those that are arranged by the families. These weddings take place in synagogue or homes of Jewish couples. In many synagogues, the processional song of “Dalbay Lecha” is played. Some synagogues have their own unique processional song, which is repeated throughout the weddings.

Jewish wedding ceremonies differ according to the customs of the families of both the bride and the groom. The bride’s family traditionally hands over a ring or signet of the groom to the bride after the marriage contract is signed. The bride then makes a donation to charity. After the ceremony is over, the bride and groom return to the family home to share the blessings of God.

Jewish wedding ceremonies have a special ceremonial mood. The ceremony is full of melodious songs, which symbolizes the union of the two souls. During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom repeat the Jewish wedding vows. They repeat these vows over again in a continuous process until they are ready to pronounced the final words: “We do declare, jointly with our hands, this day, this wedding ceremony, this marriage contract and we promise each other to remain and be bound by the wedding vows…”

Jewish weddings are celebrated in a religious way. Unlike Christian weddings, there is no prescribed order of events in the ceremony. This results in some couples improvising their wedding plans in an attempt to arrange their weddings in the way that suits them. There are Jewish couples who choose not to exchange wedding rings on the wedding day. These couples also choose not to use the wedding rings as a symbol of their marriage but instead choose to wear silver or other jewelry as it is the best form of expression for their relationship.